Saturday, 30 December 2017

A new beginning

The sewing room is momentarily tidy!  Hubby came in and said "Oh that's a bit better, but can you keep it like this!"

My books are sorted. Design, History, & Traditional Embroidery in the middle sections.  Contemporary Techniques on the shelf of the left hand cupboard (to my lovely friends who mock me, yes I have updated my spreadsheet!).  I am seriously running out of space so I must not buy any more books in 2018 unless they are absolutely necessary....

I have found and emptied miscellaneous bags of recent purchases to overfill the corresponding boxes of (very necessary) stuff.  How many experimental packs does one need?   I am determined to use some of this stuff, and not to buy any more fabric or yarns in 2018 unless they are absolutely necessary or replacements for stuff I have used.

I have prepared skeins of neutral threads and yarns ready for a session of assemblage dyeing (Gosh do I really have that many different types of neutral threads).   

Yes, my lovely friends who mock me, they all have a small label attached so I know what they are!

I am determined to use some of these threads and yarns, even if it is on simple projects.  I will not buy any more threads and yarns in 2018 unless they are absolutely necessary!  

Sadly it too cold to work in the garage at the moment so that joy still awaits me!  As does the sorting of seven boxes of train set stuff for the S&H...

A very special bonus for tidying up - I 'found' the sketchbook that I started over a year ago for the Diploma, it is my first thoughts for my theme of "Seeds, Pods & Leaves".  Based on my poppy seed head, it has some simple sketches, some printing and a few bits experimenting with different techniques.  So  I do have the start of a 'heap'.  What a shame I freaked out and didn't send these to Siân last year for feedback.

I have photographed the heap and written up the notes of my progress to send to Siân...

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Progress, what progress was that?

Sadly there was no progress what-so-ever with keeping this blog during 2017 because there was absolutely no progress with working on the contemporary embroidery diploma.  I don't have any reasons that justify not doing so. I was lazy and easily distracted spending too much time staring out of the window instead of getting on with it.

However, I am determined that during 2018 I will complete at least module 1 of the Distant Stitch Diploma and, hopefully attend the summer school in July.

I have two working days left of 2017 to tidy up my sewing room and the art corner of the garage then find my files, note book and sketch book get organised for the new year.

Come back at the end of week one of 2018!

Monday, 20 February 2017

My friends the Flying Pigs

My word, it's almost the end of February and no progress shown on my blog. So much for good intentions!  Oh my, was that a flying pig that rushed passed my window!